Study day of the Israeli learning community of The Research Project on Galician & Bukovinian Jewry
28.08.2018, 14:00-18:00, The Hebrew University, Beit Belgia
Session 1:
R' Baruch Yitzhak Rosenblum,
Advanced center for the research of Galician and Bukovinian Rabbinic culture
The Intellectual Work of Nachman Krochmal in View of the Religious Enlightenment in Galicia
Chair: prof. Yehoyada Amir, The Hebrew Union College
Session 2:
Dr. Yohanan Ben-Yaakov,
Bar-Ilan University
Ha'Shomer Ha'Dati" Youth Movement in the Interwar Period: Tensions between its Branches in Galicia and in "Congress Poland'
Chair: Dr. Ido Basu